Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt waterproofing is the ultimate waterproofing choice for a wide range of construction applications, and it has been proven to endure over generations. Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt features advanced polymers to provide absolute waterproofing integrity for roofing, carparks, decks, and as a damp-proof membrane in floors.
With CodeMark certification, Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt is widely regarded within the construction industry as the best waterproofing product on the market.

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt’s structures have stood the test of time. Its unassailable reputation has been built over a hundred years of waterproofing some of our county’s most historic and iconic architecture. To this day some of New Zealand’s most historic buildings like Wellington’s Beehive and the Auckland War Memorial Museum still have the original Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt in place.

Our Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Roofing Systems

Neuchâtel Asphalte Flat Roof System

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Flat Roof System

Suitable for low pitch roofs and maintenance foot traffic.

Neuchâtel Asphalte Car Park System

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Car Park System

A waterproof membrane and vehicular trafficable system all in one.

Neuchâtel Asphalte Green Roof System

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Green Roof System

Increased thermal gain, reducing noise, and aesthetically pleasing.

Neuchâtel Asphalte Podium Terrace System

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Podium Terrace System

A monolithic instalation suitable for staged construction (zero fall solution).

Neuchâtel Asphalte Inverted Insulated Roof System

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Inverted Insulated Roof System

A protected membrane system and insulation all in one (zero fall solution).

Neuchâtel Asphalte Warm Roof Thermal Insulated System

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Warm Roof Thermal Insulated System

Increases thermal gain and provides a suitable substrate for Mastic Asphalt.

Installing Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt

Why choose Polymer Modified Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt?

  • Durability – With all the benefits of traditional mastic asphalt but with a greater flexibility of a modern polymer for a more robust and durable covering.
  • Resistance – A seamless joint free monolithic system with a high resistance to mechanical damage during the construction process
  • Lifespan – Correctly designed and installed will outlast any other system in the market.
  • Fire resistant – The high mineral content of mastic asphalt renders it virtually incombustible.
  • Guarantee – The system carries an unrivalled 20 year system warranty for both materials and workmanship
  • Accessories – A full range of accessories are included under our comprehensive guarantee which include outlets, vents flashings edge trims and decorative paint coverings

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt is a dense, eco-friendly building material made from suitably graded mineral matter like chippings, sand, limestone fine aggregate, crushed natural limestone powder, and bitumen derived from crude oil distillation.
This non-toxic, water-insoluble product consists of limestone aggregates bound with asphalt cement, creating a dense and void-less material.
Unlike traditional asphalt, mastic asphalt is not compacted but spread by hand when hot, using a hand float rather than rolling. Its seamless, durable surface makes it ideal for various construction applications in both new-build and refurbishment projects, providing total waterproofing for roofing and tanking and serving as a tough working surface for flooring and paving.

2,350 kg/m3


4 / 6 x 10-5/°C

Coefficient of cubic expansion

0.5 W/mK

Thermal Conductivity
(Design Purpose Lambda Value)

100,000 MN8/(gm)

Control of water vapour -
Resistivity no less than

20,000 MN5/(gm)

Control of water vapour -
Condensation control

1,01 x 103 J/kg K

Specific heat value

7 dB (A) by 25 mm

Control of water vapour -
Resistivity no less than

1,013 Ohm/cm

Electric (antistatic)
conductivity resistance

CodeMark CMNZ70012
Neuchâtel Asphalte
Neuchâtel Asphalte
Neuchâtel Asphalte
Neuchâtel Asphalte
Neuchâtel Asphalte
Neuchâtel Asphalte

Let’s talk about waterproofing your project.

Call Neuchâtel for a chat on 09 441 4595 or email

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt
Frequently Asked Questions

How robust is it?

It is the most robust system available on the market. One of the great attributes of the system is that once installed it can be used for storage and walked on without a problem. Sharp objects could penetrate the membrane but this is easily repaired.

How much does it cost?

A 20mm (2x10mm) Neuchâtel roofing system generally costs only slightly more than a two layer bituminous membrane system.

How long does it take to lay?

Despite being labour intensive, installing Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt is surprisingly quick work. A skilled spreading team can complete around 200sqm of open deck area every day. You can walk on your Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt roof or car park as soon as the Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt has cooled enough to turn into solidified form, which is generally around an hour. It is best to leave the Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt system of average thickness about three hours to properly cure.

Does it smell?

The mastic asphalt that Neuchâtel sources is of a very high quality. It melts very cleanly and does not give off much odoor at all.

What about the fumes of the molten mastic asphalt, is it dangerous?

What looks like fumes are in fact steam rising, environmental health officers would not allow us to install a dangerous product. We strictly adhere to health and safety regulations and international codes of best practice.

What substrates are required?

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt can be laid on most types of rigid sub-structure such as concrete, pre-cast concrete deck units, timber boarding, metal decking and other proprietary decking units.

Thermal insulation materials can easily be laid as part of a mastic asphalt specification to give any required U-value.

What surface finishes are available?

A sand finish can be provided to produce a surface suitable for traffic. Alternatively, a coating system must be applied for solar reflectivity and to provide a decorative finish.

How much does it weigh?

The weight of Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt varies because of differing compositions. The precise coverage obtained will depend upon a number of factors such as the nature of the added coarse aggregate. For the purpose of calculating loading use 2.4 kg./m2 per mm. of thickness for the laid material. Therefore a 20 mm job weighs 48 kg.

Can You Collect Drinking Water from Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt?

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt is non-toxic and is suitable for use in contact with potable water.

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Instructional Videos

Installing Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt, The Horizontal Surface

Installing Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt, The Verticle Surface

Installing Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt, Specialist Detailing