Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Green Roof on Chambers & Station

The trend towards eco-friendly building practices isn’t just a fad; it’s become an essential responsibility in the construction industry. Governments worldwide are enforcing regulations mandating the integration of solar panels or green roofs in commercial buildings. The rationale behind this push is grounded in tangible benefits not only for building owners but also for society as a whole and possibly the entire planet.

At a micro level, green roofs enhance building comfort and value by providing thermal and acoustic insulation, creating quieter and more stable working environments while reducing utility bills through rainwater retention and filtration. However, the collective gains at a macro level are far more significant.

As buildings absorb solar energy, they radiate heat, pushing up the ambient temperature. One building won’t have much effect, but imagine the impact of an entire city, with thousands of these heat-pumps warming up the atmosphere.

This urban temperature rise is known as the ‘Heat Island Effect’ and is exacerbated by the lack of vegetation (desertification). Remember those leafy tree-lined avenues we walked down as kids. That was no illusion, as the trees mitigated the effects of surrounding buildings.

So green roofs not only breathe life into the city – filtering air and pollutants – they can also mitigate the heat island effect, combating desertification, mitigating the adverse impacts of urbanization.

Green Roofs fall into three broad categories:

  • Extensive: 75-125mm in depth, lightweight and suitable for grasses, mosses, succulents and herbs;
  • Semi-Intensive: 125mm-180mm deep, suitable for small shrubs, perennials, grasses and sedums;
  • Intensive: 180mm-600mm+ in depth, suitable for perennials, lawns, shrubs, trees and rooftop farming.
Savvy investors factor ‘Green Ratings’ into their returns. It is extremely bankable, reducing wear and tear, bolstering rentals, improving working conditions, and improving resale value. And top that off with the knowledge you’re taking steps to reverse global warming. This is arguably the first time in our architectural history that our buildings are designed with our grandchildren in mind. Green roofs allow us to ‘paid it forward’.

However, successful implementation hinges on robust waterproofing and insulation. Any imperfections in waterproofing can lead to costly water ingress issues, necessitating burdensome repairs. Neuchâtel Waterproofing offers technologically advanced solutions developed through decades of experience in harsh European climates. Our products, including Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt, Neuchâtel Permatec and Torch-on membranes, are meticulously designed to ensure long-lasting protection for your green roof projects.

With a proven track record in landmark projects across New Zealand, including Aotea Square, Kelly Tarlton’s, and Auckland University buildings, Neuchâtel is ready to share our expertise and support your sustainability goals. Contact us today to explore how we can help safeguard your structures for generations to come.