Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Flat Roof System

When using Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt for roofing surfaces with minimal or no traffic, apply it in two coats, each with a nominal thickness of 20mm. Start with an initial coat laid to a depth of 10mm, then add a second coat of the same thickness. Its liquid form enables even spreading, resulting in a smooth and seamless surface that can adapt to any required shape. For enhanced protection, coat the Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt roofing system with solar-reflective UV-resistant paint.

  1. Solar paint colours (white, grey, green) 0.4kg/m2
  2. Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt 20mm thick (2X10mm coats) 42.92Kg/m2
  3. Separation layer 3mm thick 1.9kg/m2
  4. Concrete deck
20 Year System Guarantee
CodeMark CMNZ70012
Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Flat Roof System

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt, a time-tested and reliable flat roofing system, has been extensively used for centuries, safeguarding numerous prestigious buildings across New Zealand.

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt is renowned for its exceptional durability and effectiveness as a waterproofing system. Its suitability for potable water use and the ability to be finished in various colours make it a versatile and practical choice.

  • Monolithic, an aesthetic seamless finish
  • Unbonded, allowing movement between structure and materials
  • Can be laid at falls lower than 1.80
  • A properly designed & installed Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt system will last 60 years
  • Traditional mastic asphalt but with added polymers to improve flexibility & durability
  • With 20 years warranty for supply and installation
  • All in accordance with ISO 9001:2008

Neuchatel Mastic Asphalt Systems

Flat Roof

Cast Concrete Upstand Detail

With a century of successful use in New Zealand, the Neuchatel Mastic Asphalt System has proven its reliability, safeguarding numerous prestigious buildings in the country.

The Neuchatel Polymer Modified Mastic Asphalt, a cohesive and impermeable mass composed of suitable graded mineral matter and asphaltic cement, is highly regarded for its durability and effectiveness as a waterproofing system.

In March 2018, the Neuchatel Mastic Asphalt System received CodeMark certification, becoming New Zealand’s first zero-degree certified system for inverted, flat roof, and podium deck roofs. This certification assures designers that the system can be applied even on completely flat surfaces (less than 1:80 slope) or nominally zero pitch. Moreover, it is suitable for potable water use and can be finished in a range of architectural colors upon request.

Neuchâtel Flat Roof System Overview


Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Standard Detail Drawings

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Flat Roof System Drawings
