Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Green Roof System

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Green Roof is an excellent waterproofing material for extensive green roofs, intensive roof gardens, and biodiversity roofs. These applications enhance environments, manage water run-off, and minimize noise transmission.

With extensive green roofs, long-term maintenance needs are minimal. The material’s resistance to root penetration eliminates the necessity for an additional anti-root barrier.

  1. Planting medium – minimum 80mm thick 86KG/m2
  2. Geotextile sheet 1.7mm thick, 0.2 kg/m2 per layer
  3. Drainage Cell 3kg/m2
  4. Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt 20mm thick (2X10mm coats) 42.92Kg/m2
  5. Separation layer 3mm thick 1.9kg/m2
  6. Concrete deck
20 Year System Guarantee
CodeMark CMNZ70012
Asphalte Green Roof System

A top-notch green roof system for the environmentally conscious, Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt serves as an ideal waterproofing material for extensive green roofs, intensive roof gardens, and biodiversity roofs. Notably, it is completely resistant to root penetration, and water collected from the mastic surfaces is potable. Moreover, it enhances thermal characteristics, reduces noise transmission, and extends the life expectancy of the waterproofing membrane.
By choosing our Green Roof system, you opt for one of the most eco-friendly construction materials available.

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt has a long history of providing unparalleled protection against water penetration for centuries.

  • Monolithic, an aesthetic seamless finish
  • Unbonded, allowing movement between structure and materials
  • Can be laid at falls lower than 1.80
  • A properly designed & installed Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt system will last 60 years
  • Traditional mastic asphalt but with added polymers to improve flexibility & durability
  • With 20 years warranty for supply and installation
  • All in accordance with ISO 9001:2008
  • Reduces noise transfer into the building
  • Reduces energy cost of the building user

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Systems

Green Roof System

For those who prioritize environmental consciousness, our waterproofing material is an excellent choice for extensive green roofs, intensive roof gardens, and biodiversity roofs. It boasts complete resistance to root penetration, and any water collected from the Mastic surfaces is safe for use.

Utilized in this manner, it not only provides reliable waterproofing but also enhances the roof’s thermal characteristics, reduces noise transmission, and prolongs the life expectancy of the waterproofing membrane.

By selecting our Green Roof system, you are choosing one of the most eco-friendly construction materials available, with zero carbon emissions. The Polymer Modified Mastic Asphalt roofing industry holds the distinction of being the world’s first to achieve carbon zero status, accomplished through key initiatives such as being 100% recyclable, reducing heating requirements during the melting process, and ensuring durability of over 50 years.

Green Roof Systems Overview Video


Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Standard Detail Drawings

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Green Roof System Drawings
