Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Carpark System

Trafficable roofs are widely acknowledged as highly durable car parking waterproofing systems, extensively utilized on bridge decks, elevated car parks, and loading docks worldwide. These roofs typically comprise a waterproofing layer of either a torch-on membrane or 1 to 2 layers of Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt, consequently forming a robust Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Carpark system. Additionally, on top of this waterproofing layer, a wear slab is applied, which can be made of mastic asphalt paving grade, reinforced concrete, or paving on a suitable substrate. The thickness of these toppings varies based on their specific requirements.

  1. Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt paving layer 30mm thick 64.38Kg/m2
  2. Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt 10mm thick 21.46Kg/m2
  3. Fibreglass tissue 1mm thick 0.6kg/m2
  4. Concrete deck
20 Year System Guarantee
CodeMark CMNZ70012
Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Carpark System
BMW Carpark with Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Carpark System

The comprehensive car parking system offers not only effective waterproofing for your structure but also provides the option of a durable wearing layer, such as Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt or concrete, capable of withstanding high volumes of traffic.

Designing car parking systems requires customization based on the nature and usage of the specific car park. The systems can vary from handling light traffic to accommodating extensive use.

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt has a longstanding history of providing unparalleled protection against water penetration for centuries.

  • Roofing and paving lays is totally impervious to water penetration
  • Monolithic, an aesthetic seamless finish
  • Unbonded, allowing movement between structure and materials
  • Can be laid at falls lower than 1.80
  • A properly designed & installed Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt system will last 60 years
  • Traditional mastic asphalt but with added polymers to improve flexibility & durability
  • With 20 years warranty for supply and installation
  • All in accordance with ISO 9001:2008

Neuchatel Mastic Asphalt Systems

Carpark Trafficable

Carpark/Roof Parapet Outlet Drain Detail

The fully CodeMark certified car parking system not only provides exceptional waterproofing for your structure but also offers the flexibility of a Mastic Asphalt wearing layer, Roading grade Hot Mix, or concrete wear slabs capable of withstanding high-volume traffic. The design of car parking systems is tailored to the specific nature and usage of each car park, ranging from light traffic to extensive use. The CodeMark certification offers reassurance to designers that the system can be employed even on completely flat surfaces (less than 1:80 gradient), including nominally zero pitch.

Its remarkable durability and seamless application set it apart as one of the rare membranes capable of handling continuous heavy foot and vehicular traffic, including Heavy Goods Vehicles, while preserving its waterproof integrity. Additionally, it is easily repairable in case of alterations or damage.

Car Park Trafficable Systems Overview Video


Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Standard Detail Drawings

Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Car Park System Drawings
