Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt was selected for its seamless properties, making it adaptable to various shapes and details. It’s increasingly becoming the preferred solution for podium projects in large commercial developments. With a team of experienced and trained staff, Neuchâtel, in conjunction with our preferred application partner Asphaltech Waterproofing, can handle projects of any complexity, ensuring that our membranes are installed to the highest standard by skilled tradesmen.
Rose Garden Apartments
This project was split over 2 levels on the podium with a series of expansion joints running around the perimeter of the podium and across the podium in different directions. The detail had large planters, there were areas for grass planters, concrete wear slabs, timber decking and tile finishes to the podium area. This was a challenging project due to access and detailing to expansion joints and various surfaces.
ArchitectContext Architects
ContractorCMP Construction
ProductNeuchâtel Mastic Asphalt
Size1800 m2
Let’s talk about waterproofing your project.
Call Neuchatel for a chat on 09 441 4595 or email