Our double layer Neuchâtel Mastic Asphalt roofing system was meticulously specified and seamlessly applied by our applicator partner, Asphaltech Waterproofing, across the roof area and protrusions. It was later coated with a solar reflective grey finish, not only enhancing the aesthetic appeal but also contributing to the overall visual allure of the roof. Additionally, the lower deck area on level 27 was outfitted with a tile-on-pedestal system, facilitating efficient water drainage through the tiles and onto the waterproofing layer, ultimately channeling it to the designated outlets.

Victoria Residences, Auckland CBD
75 Victoria Street West, Auckland
Victoria Residences in the heart of Auckland’s CBD, consists of 161 residences and 9 superior boutique retail shops located directly across the road from Auckland’s world class Sky Tower and Sky City Casino. The roof was situated above the penthouse suite of this multi-story high-rise apartment complex. It presented a complex array of features, including plant installations, equipment, fall arrest devices, outlets, and numerous plinths for the louver screens. Neuchâtel worked closely with the architects and construction company to ensure the right product was specified in the right areas.
ArchitectLeuschke Group
ContractorDominion Constructors Limited
ProductNeuchâtel Mastic Asphalt
Size400 m2
Let’s talk about waterproofing your project.
Call Neuchatel for a chat on 09 441 4595 or email